The Collections Box is a highly configurable solution, to manage the income and the debt of customers.​ Specially created for those who have the concession of credit as part of their business model, the CollectionsBox allows to:​

  1. Reduce non-compliance;
  2. Increase the amount of the recovered credit;​

Ensure that customer management is done effectively, as well ensuring future business opportunities.​ ​The solution allows the creation of recovery strategies based on concrete recovery actions that can be automated or manual distributed by phases of recovery parameterised.​

The Collections Box, allows treatment of Early Collections, Recoveries, Litigation and Charge-off on one single platform.
The Collections Box is a highly configurable solution, to manage the income and the debt of customers.​

Ability to draw profiles of the entire customer base. ​Sophisticated module of management and redesign of the current debt of each client, with online connectivity capabilities to Billing system for reading information and for loading the new plan agreed.​

Possibility of applying Champion-Challenger strategies to improve ongoing recovery actions. ​ Collections Models based on costs, allows each internal or external action to have is expenses and cost to them related.​


  • PARI – Action Plan for Non-compliance risk​;
  • PERSI – Extrajudicial procedure to regularization of default situations;​
  • Instruction N.º 32/ 2013 – Identification and labeling of the restructured credit based on financial difficulties;
  • Internal Management Processes​;
  • Send documentation (cartas, email, SMS) to the Client;​
  • Internal management contracts with and without requestor;​
  • Constituition, negociation and management of deals for payment;​
  • Fraud treatment, Deceased and PER;​
  • Judicial Process Management in the state: Injunction, enforcement, lawsuit;​
  • Insolvency Process Management from identification to claim credit and consequent management processes with or without liability exoneration​;
  • Interactions with other entities​;
  • Proceed to pay services;​
  • Hearings Management (with allocation of witnesses);​
  • External Entity Management (Lawyers, Solicitors, collection companies).